Google also confirmed the launch of Live, Cover, and Remix labels under Other Performances in the Related tab of Now Playing and in search results. Share, download and print free sheet music with the worlds largest community of sheet music creators, composers, performers, music teachers, students. Discover over 6000 high-quality tracks from more than 50 artists and use them for your projects. Use with personal and commercial projects include YouTube videos and Powerpoint presentations. If you explicitly delete a Smart Downloads recommended playlist, our systems should make note of this feedback so that we do not recommend the same music to you in future playlists. Filmmusic.io is your ultimate source for free film music. Download free background music mp3 files from Melody Loops. However, that same list of New Features touts the launch of Smart Downloads for iPhone and iPad earlier this year, as well as “bug fixes” on Android: Here are a few websites to check out if you want to jam to fresh tunes without needing to rip into your wallet. The Recently played songs setting has yet to be announced for YouTube Music on iOS. Royalty Free Music Download Royalty Free Music Thousands of royalty-free stock music tracks at your fingertips. Google said it was introduced in mid-January, but we’re only now seeing wide availability on Android. Blue Coast Music / Downloads NOW File formats: WAV, DSD, FLAC Highest resolution: 24 bit/192kHz For those looking for something a bit more eclectic and under the radar, Blue Coast Records. This feature was mentioned in YouTube Music’s February 2023 New Features Highlights.